Her kommer et kort på enda en utfordring, og denne gangen er det fra
Saturday workout. Måtte simpelthen bare bli med på denne, fordi denne lørdagens teknikk er jo bare såååå morsom! Blekk og salt = bra! Jeg har brukt distress refiller, og masse havsalt. Stemplene er fra Stempington Company, Penny Black og Technique Tuesday.
Another challenge, and this time I saw this
Saturday workout and just had to attend! Salted backgrounds is this Saturday's challenge, and here is my results. I have used distress ink refills, and sea salt. Motive is from Stampington Company, Penny Black and Technique Tuesday.
Himmel og hav så stilig dette var! Råkult!!!
Wow Connie this is truly amazing.
So wonderful card. Love them.
Thanks Connie for playing this technique on SaWo.
Wow dette var jo bare rålekkert snuppa!!!
Fabulous. Love, love the colours!! Gorgeous design.
Wonderful card, Connie!
Wow, Connie! This is gorgeous!
What a wonderful background! My favorite color scheme, too.
This is a gorgeous background. Wonderful card.
Så utrolig stilig kort! Du er en mester i teknikker!
Just a fantastic background.
Very rich looking background. Great card.
Wow , the colours . I like it .
LG Nicole
Beautiful background amazing colour!
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