Monday, July 13, 2009

New challenge blog by Connie & Vigdis

Vi, altså Vigdis og jeg har laget to nye utfordringsblogger som vi håper at dere har lyst til å delta på. Dere kan lage hva som helst i skissebloggen, bare vi "skimter" skissen...! Skissene blir lagt ut hver tirsdag :-) I utfordringsbloggen Fun 2 Stamp har vi et nytt tema hver torsdag, og her er kun kriteriet å bruke minst et stempel...!

Her er bloggene...

Sketch Maniac

Fun 2 Stamp

Two new challengeblogs has started, and Vigdis and I am in charge :-) Each Tuesday we will add a new sketch to the blog called "Sketch Maniac", where you can make anything you feel like as only as you can catch a glimse of the sketch. Fun 2 Stamp will get a new theme every Thursday, and the only criteria that we have is that you should use at least one stamp...! You find the links to our challengeblogs above...

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