Have to admit that I adore my skeleton, and love every uppertunity that I am able to use it :-) And I found the perfect challenge for it, and that was on Think Monday, Think ATC today! I have used distress reinkers on mistere for the background, and dabbers on the grungeboards.
Må bare innrømme at jeg digger skjelettet mitt, og hopper høyt hver gang jeg får en sjanse til å bruke det! Og det var jo det jeg fikk i dag! På Think Monday, Think ATC er nemlig temaet "skjelett", og da pop'et det opp ideer i hodet mitt med en gang. Denne gangen ble det en ATC med stempler fra Tim Holtz og Prima.
I really like this ATC! Wonderful bg!
Fantastic ATC. Beautifully created!
this is wonderful!
love it!
Awesome, great coluors and stamps
Hihi this is ufun and a great hallowen ATC. Fantastic.
Love it! Great colors!
This is fabulous! Love the colours. kxx
Beautiful colors and quite an elegant skeleton!
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