Denne gangen kombinerer jeg to utfordringer, og det er
Think Monday - Think ATC's tema "påfugl" og
Mixed Media Monday's tema "inspirerende ord". Jeg har laget en ATC til disse to utfordringene i ekte Connie-stil :-)
Two challenges combined this time, and that's Think Monday - Think ATC's theme "peacock" and Mixed Media Monday's theme "inspirational words". I made an ATC for these two themes, and that in real Connie-style :-)
I love your very colorful ATC! Your peacock seems to be fretting that he never has enough time.
A fun piece...I love that peacock!
One cool peacock! Love him.
Love the peacock, Connie. The colors are great.
Your peacock made me smile! I love him! Great work.
wonderful Connie style peacock AND background!!!
Oh wow Connie tis is fantastic.
Stunning ATC.
great atc!! love the bright colors!
Great ATC, fantastique colours!!!
Beautiful and colorful ATC !
I LOVE the colors! So fun and vibrant! Wonderful word choice too!
i like it very much ; do you want to trade with me, my name (lili)paon means peacock and I collect all about peacocks
Wonderful, Connie! The colours are fabulous! Diane
Great, love the colours.
This is just so colourful and fun.
Beautiful, great colours!
your ATC looks great
Lovely colourful ATC!
thank you for trading connie, you can reach me at for our adresses
Those colors are simply great, Connie! Love it! LynnF
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