"Diamonds is forever" and "open theme" is two perfect challenges to combind, and I have made this tag in Tim Holtz-style with a touch of my own style :-) "Diamonds is forever" is today's theme at Fun 2 Stamp, and "Open theme" was yesterday's challenge at Wednesday Stamper. Just love my new Tim Holtz stamps, and I am sure that you will see them a lot in the next week to come :-)
Ja, de sier at diamanter er for alltid, og dette er Fun 2 Stamps tema i dag! Jeg har kombinert denne utfordringen sammen med Wednesday Stamper's "åpent tema" i går. Det ble denne tagen som er laget i skikkelig Tim Holtz stil med et "touch of" Connie :-) Jeg kommer nok til å bruke de nye platene mine fra han en del i tiden som kommer, siden jeg bare simpelthen digger dem :-)
What a beautiful Tag!!! Love it!
Lovely tag Connie, great colors and background!
Wow this is fantastic.
Incredible Tag. Love them.
Gorgeous! Have fun with your new stamps!
Kjempefin tag i ekte Conniestil!
Absolutely gorgeous Connie
Kjempefin tag!! flott farger og fint stempel!!
what a fabulous tag, looove the coloring and the design
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